The Rundown - June 1

News & views on RFE/RL's broadcast region

# "We All Need to Stand up and be Counted" - Shibil Siddiqi, "The Express Tribune"
# Groups in Punjab are aligning themselves with the Taliban

# "Interpreting Afghanistan" - H.D.S. Greenway, "Boston Globe"
# Some elements of the Pakistani Taliban will not attend the Kabul peace jirga

# The government prepares for the anniversary of last year's disputed election
# "Flotilla Fiasco Boon for Iran" - Meir Javendafar, "The Diplomat"
# Laura Rozen reports on the latest IAEA report on Iran

# Michael Idov prfiles Russian billionaire Mikhail Prokhorov
# "Kaliningrad Proves Failure of Power Vertical" - Vladimir Ryzhkov, "Moscow Times"
# Russian police arrest nearly 200 protestors in Moscow and St. Petersburg

# "Iraq's Psyche, Through a Green Zone Prism" - Anthony Shadid, "The New York Times"
# "The Washington Post" reports on former Ba'athists in the Iraqi government

Of Interest
# "Democratic Change It's Not" - Borut Grgic, "International Herald Tribune"
# "Islamismism" - Pankaj Mishra, "New Yorker"
# "The New York Times" reports on women's rights in Saudi Arabia
# "The Czech 'Tea Parties'" - Editorial, "The Wall Street Journal"

U.S. Politics/Foreign Policy
# Al Qaeda's number 3, Mustafa Abu al-Yazid, is said to have been killed in Afghanistan
# "The Washington Post" interviews Madeleine Albright