Federal Judge In Hawaii Extends Ruling Blocking Trump Travel Order

U.S. President Donald Trump signs his original travel ban on January 27.

A federal judge in Hawaii has extended his injunction blocking U.S. President Donald Trump's executive order on immigration.

Judge Derrick Watson on March 29 issued his ruling extending the temporary halt until a lawsuit by the state of Hawaii against Trump’s order is resolved in the courts.

Trump’s executive order aimed to temporarily bar refugees as well as travelers from six predominantly Muslim countries from entering the United States, due to go into effect on March 16.

The countries involved in the order are Somalia, Iran, Syria, Sudan, Libya, and Yemen.

Trump signed the revised ban on March 6 after his January executive order was struck down by a federal judge.

He said the travel restrictions are necessary to keep potential terrorists out of the country.

Hawaii challenged the order, saying it discriminates against Muslims and hurts the state's tourist economy.

Watson agreed with the suit by Hawaii, ruling on March 15 that he found a strong likelihood of "irreparable injury" to the state if the order was allowed to take effect.

Based on reporting by AP and Reuters