U.S. Appoints Lead Coordinator On Implementing Iran Nuclear Deal

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has appointed Stephen Mull, a former U.S. ambassador to Poland, as the lead coordinator for ensuring that Iran complies with its obligation under the nuclear agreement reached in July with six world powers.

In a September 17 statement, Kerry said Mull will "lead the interagency effort to ensure that the nuclear steps Iran committed to in the (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) are fully implemented and verified.”

Kerry said Mull also will make sure the United States and its partners β€œare taking reciprocal action on sanctions, following the nuclear steps.”

Under the nuclear accord, Iran has agreed to significantly limit its nuclear program in exchange for sanctions relief.

Mull was officially named to implement the deal as U.S. Senate Democrats blocked for the third time a legislation proposed by Republicans that aimed to derail the nuclear accord.

To be enacted, that resolution would have had to pass both the Senate and House of Representatives by midnight on September 17.

It also would have to survive a veto by President Barack Obama to be enacted.

With reporting by Reuters