U.S. Claims Islamic State's Second In Command Killed

U.S. Defense Secretary Ashton Carter says the second-in-command of the Islamic State terrorist organization has been killed in a U.S. raid.

Carter told journalists in Washington on March 25 that senior IS leader Haji Imam (also known as Abd ar-Rahman Mustafa al-Qaduli), described as the group's "finance minister," was a "well-known terrorist" who was involved in attacks in Iraq and Syria.

Carter did not give details of the operation or say whether Imam was killed in Iraq or Syria.

Carter added that Imam's death "will hamper the ability" of IS "to conduct operations inside and outside of Iraq and Syria."

Earlier this month, the United States said it had killed Omar al-Shishani, described as the IS "war minister," in an air strike in Syria. In November, Washington said IS lead Abu Nabil had been killed by an air strike in Libya.

Based on reporting by AP, dpa, and Reuters