Veteran Russian Rocker Grebenshchikov Fined For Discrediting Armed Forces

Boris Grebenshchikov has criticized Russia's full-scale war against Ukraine in interviews and during his concerts, which he currently holds abroad. 

A Moscow court on June 15 ordered veteran Russian rock musician Boris Grebenshchikov, who currently resides outside of Russia, to pay a fine of 50,000 rubles ($600) for discrediting Russia's armed forces. The charge stemmed from Grebenshchikov’s interview with an Israeli television channel in which he called Russia's invasion of Ukraine a form of "fascism." The 69-year-old leader of the legendary rock group Aquarium is considered a founding father of Russian rock music. He has criticized Russia's full-scale war against Ukraine in interviews and during his concerts, which he currently holds abroad. To read the original story by RFE/RL's Russian Service, click here.