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Narges Mohammadi was arrested on May 5 at her home in Tehran, according to her husband. (file photo)
Narges Mohammadi was arrested on May 5 at her home in Tehran, according to her husband. (file photo)

A leading human rights defender has been arrested in Iran.

Narges Mohammadi, the deputy head of the Defenders of Human Rights Center (DHRC) co-founded by Iranian Nobel Peace Prize laureate Shirin Ebadi, was arrested on May 5 at her home in Tehran, according to her husband.

Speaking to RFE/RL by telephone from Paris, Taghi Rahmani said the officers apparently arrived early in the morning with an arrest warrant. The opposition website Kalameh reported that security agents told Narges Mohammadi they were taking her to prison.

It isn't clear whether Mohammadi's arrest was related to a previous prison sentence or a current court case in which she faces fresh charges.

Mohammadi had been arrested in 2010 and in 2012 and sentenced to a six-year prison term. She spent several months in jail before being released on bail for health reasons.

The outspoken Mohammadi was due to go on trial over the weekend on security charges related to her human rights work, including acting against Iran's national security through her membership in the DHRC.

Her trial on May 3 was reportedly delayed after her lawyers said they had not had access to her file. Mohammadi’s lawyers were supposed to go to court on May 5 to study her dossier and prepare her defense.

The mother of two has been at the forefront of peaceful protests and campaigns on behalf of political prisoners and other victims of human rights abuses. She has been also involved in efforts to end the death penalty in the Islamic republic.

A speech she gave last year on the second death anniversary of blogger Sattar Beheshti, who reportedly died in custody after being tortured, had been widely shared on social media:

In the defiant speech, Mohammadi blasted Iranian authorities over Beheshti’s death and accused them of negligence.

A few days before her arrest, Mohammadi told RFE/RL’s Radio Farda that one of the charges she faced was related to her membership in the Step By Step To Stop The Death Penalty In Iran campaign, which authorities have described as "illegal."

Mohammadi, also said that the new charges had been brought against her following a March 2014 meeting in Tehran with former EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton. The meeting angered Iranian hard-liners who said that Ashton's meeting with a number of "seditionists" -- a term commonly used to describe opposition activists -- amounted to interference in Iran's internal affairs.

Mohammadi was interrogated a number of times in recent months before being charged by the Revolutionary Court.

Aldolghassem Salavati, a hard-line judge known for issuing harsh sentences to political activists, is reportedly in charge of her case.

In a May 5 letter to Ahmed Shaheed, the United Nations' special rapporteur on the human rights situation in Iran, Ebadi said Mohammadi was still in need of medical care because of her health problems.

Ebadi called on Shaheed to do all he could to push for Mohammadi’s release.

Russian opposition leader and anticorruption blogger Aleksei Navalny (front) and his brother and co-defendant Oleg attend a court hearing in Moscow in December 2014.
Russian opposition leader and anticorruption blogger Aleksei Navalny (front) and his brother and co-defendant Oleg attend a court hearing in Moscow in December 2014.

MOSCOW -- Outspoken Kremlin critic Aleksei Navalny and his brother Oleg have been awarded a top prize awarded to raise awareness about totalitarian regimes.

Members of the Platform of European Memory and Conscience voted to award the Navalny brothers "in recognition of their personal courage, struggle, and sacrifices for upholding fundamental democratic values and freedoms in the Russian Federation today," according to a statement on the nongovernmental organization's website.

"By the award of the Prize, the Platform wishes to express its respect and support to Mr. Oleg Navalny, whom the Platform considers a political prisoner, and to Mr. Aleksei Navalny for his efforts to expose corruption, defend political pluralism, and opposition to the mounting authoritarian regime in the Russian Federation," the statement said.

Aleksei Navalny wrote on Twitter on May 5 that the award ceremony will be held in the Hungarian capital, Budapest, on May 6.

Aleksei Navalny is a prominent critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin and was a driving force behind street protests in Moscow in 2011-12.

He and his brother Oleg were found guilty in December of large-scale theft from two Russian firms between 2008 and 2012. Aleksei Navalny was handed a 3 1/2-year suspended sentence, while Oleg Navalny is serving a 3 1/2-year prison term in a penal colony in Russia's Oryol region.

Both brothers reject the charges as politically motivated.

At the time of his sentencing, Aleksei Navalny was already serving a suspended sentence on a separate theft conviction. He claimed those charges, too, came in retaliation for his opposition activities.

The Prize of the Platform of European Memory and Conscience is awarded annually to individuals actively involved in the fight against totalitarianism, for the ideals of democracy, fundamental human rights and freedoms, and the rule of law.

The Platform of European Memory and Conscience is a nongovernmental organization that bridges 18 countries and nearly 50 institutions across the Atlantic. Through its members it represents at least 200,000 European citizens and over 1 million North American citizens.

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