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Bosnian Serb President Expresses Regret For Massacre

23 June 2004 -- The Bosnian Serb president has expressed regret for the 1995 killing of thousands of Muslims at Srebrenica, calling it "a dark page of Serbian history."

Dragan Cavic stopped short of offering an apology when speaking on Republika Srpska television last night. Cavic was detailing a government commission report, which Cavic said, found that "systematic killing" was carried out at Srebrenica.

Cavic cited parts of the report listing many cases of detention and summary execution of thousands of Muslims -- including civilians, young and elderly -- at the hands of Bosnian Serb forces.

He said the failure by Republika Srpska institutions to face up to Srebrenica only fuelled a "stereotype about the Muslims victim and the Serb perpetrators" despite the fact there were 1,700 Serb victims in the Srebrenica area before the massacre.
