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Arafat Buried In Ramallah

12 November 2004 -- Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat was buried today at his West Bank compound in the town of Ramallah amid huge crowds.

A scene of mass commotion greeted the helicopter carrying Arafat's coffin as it landed in Ramallah.

Outnumbered Palestinian security forces had to repeatedly fire guns into the air, in attempts to hold back crowds which surged around the helicopter, so that the coffin could be carried to its final resting spot.

Earlier today, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak hosted a funeral ceremony and procession for the former Palestinian leader in Cairo. Numerous foreign leaders and scores of envoys joined the funeral procession.


[Also see:

Middle East: Palestinian Leader Arafat Dead At 75

Analysis: Arafat's Legacy In The Palestinian Authority

Middle East: With Arafat Gone, What Next For The Palestinian Leadership?]