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London Bombing Death Toll At 54

Hasib Hussain is accused of blowing up the bus in Tavistock Square 15 July 2005 (RFE/RL) -- British police have announced that the confirmed death toll from last week's London bombings has risen to 54 people.

Police on 14 July publicly named two of the four suspected suicide bombers, both British-born young men of Pakistani origin.

Authorities released a security camera photograph of one of them, an 18-year-old suspected of blowing up a bus, wearing a backpack on the morning of the attacks.

The head of the London Metropolitan Police anti-terrorist branch, Peter Clarke, has appealed to members of the public to come forward to speak to investigators if they saw the suspected bomber in the minutes before the explosions.

Clarke said investigators are focusing their probe on who may have helped plan and finance the attacks.

"We need to establish a number of things: who actually committed the attack, who supported them, who financed them, who trained them, who encouraged them. This will take many months of intensive detailed investigation," Clarke said.

Three British-born men of Pakistani origin and a Jamaican-born Briton are suspected of carrying out the attacks.
