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Probe Into Egypt Blasts Continues

25 July 2005 -- Egyptian police have detained more than 90 people in connection with their investigation of the 23 June bomb attacks on the Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh.

Egyptian Interior Minister Habib al-Adli said the bombings -- which targeted a hotel, a parking lot, and a market and killed 84 people -- may have links with an attack on hotels in Sinai last October, which left 34 people dead.

Several hundred people took part in a protest against terrorism on 24 June in front of the heavily damaged Ghazala Gardens Hotel.

A number of tourists also took part, but thousands have now left for home.

An Egyptian Tourism Ministry spokeswoman said it is too early to tell how much an effect the attacks would have on the country's tourism industry, which employs more than 1 million people.

However, the economy did feel its effects yesterday, with Egypt's stock market falling 3 percent.
