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Kyrgyzstan Still Investigating Remaining Uzbek Refugees

Uzbek soldiers on the Kyrgyz border (file photo) 1 August 2005 (RFE/RL) -- The Prosecutor-General's Office in Kyrgyzstan says 15 Uzbek refugees detained in the southern Kyrgyz city of Osh should be deported to Uzbekistan.

Speaking to journalists today, however, deputy chief prosecutor Nurlan Dzheenaliev said Kyrgyzstan will continue investigating the 15 men.

"There is no conclusion yet -- we cannot say whether we will deport them [to Uzbekistan] or not, either tomorrow or today," Dzheenaliev said. "All these things will be investigated and then we will have a conclusion. The stance of the Prosecutor-General's Office is that these 15 people should be deported to Uzbekistan."

Dzheenaliev added that Bishkek will also engage talks with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees since several of them have received refugee status.

The Prosecutor-General's Office said in a statement it has "reliable evidence that the 15 have been involved in committing serious crimes."

Uzbekistan has demanded the deportation of the refugees on charges including murder and terrorism.

Kyrgyzstan refused to let the 15 be temporarily relocated last week to Romania along with 440 others who fled to neighboring Kyrgyzstan in May after Uzbek security forces violently suppressed an uprising in the eastern city of Andijon.


See also:

Bishkek's Resolution Of Uzbek Refugee Crisis Deemed A Success