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Russia to Investigate Corruption in St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg, June 28 (RFE/RL) -- Russian Federal prosecutors in St Petersburg plan to file corruption charges next week against Legislative Assembly Speaker Yury Kravtsov.

Kravtsov is alleged to have misappropriated city funds for remodeling his own apartment.

The case is the result of a two-month investigation of alleged housing scandals in the city. Prompted by local media reports the probe is continuing. It may lead to examination of the conduct of former Mayor Anatoly Sobchak's administration.

The investigation takes place at the time that Russia's Security Council has initiated a nationwide campaign against corruption.

Nikolai Yermoliev, spokesman for the federal prosecutor's office in St Petersburg said two days ago that the case against Kravtsov is unrelated to the Security Council move. "The investigation is being conducted completely independently of the Security Council in Moscow," he said.

Neither Sobchak nor Kravtsov could be reached for comment.