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Afghanistan/Georgia: United Nations Discusses Matters Concerning Both Nations

United Nations, 15 August 1996 (RFE/RL) -- The United Nations Security Council has called on all countries, especially neighboring states, not to interfere in the internal affairs of Afghanistan.

Several countries are reportedly selling arms to Afghanistan's government and various opposition factions. Several countries have advocated a total arms embargo be imposed on Afghanistan.

Itar-Tass news agency also says U.N. Secretary General Boutros Boutros Ghali yesterday suggested to the Security Council that he send a personal human rights representative to Abkhazia. The special representative would promote the safe return of refugees, he said.

An estimated half million ethnic Georgian refugees fled the fighting in the Abkhazia conflict in 1992-1993. Their safe return has been a primary condition in negotiations for a permanent settlement of the conflict.

The United Nations maintains a small mission in Georgia to monitor Russian peacekeeping forces dispatched to the conflict zone. The United Nations also participates, along with Russia, in Abkhazia conflict negotiations.