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Russia: Yeltsin Transferred To Kremlin Hospital

Moscow, 8 November 1996 (RFE/RL) -- President Boris Yeltsin was transferred today from Moscow's Cardiological Research Centre to the Kremlin hospital, according to Russian Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin

The Kremlin has not released pictures or television footage of Yeltsin since his quintuple heart bypass operation on Tuesday. But the Kremlin and doctors treating Yeltsin have said the 65-year old president has been moving faster than expected toward full recovery.

Western correspondents in Moscow say a motorcade of cars this morning accompanied Yeltsin on the short trip from the Cardiological Centre to the nearby Kremlin hospital.

The presidential press service said later that Yeltsin was in satisfactory condition after the transfer, which was authorized by his doctors at an early morning meeting.

The Kremlin has said Yeltsin had been asking doctors to move him to the Kremlin hospital, which has presidential offices and a homier atmosphere. Tass quoted Chernomyrdin as saying that "now the president will be gaining strength very quickly." He added that the main task of those surrounding Yeltsin is to "save him" from too much work.

Renat Akchurin, the surgeon who led the operating team during the seven-hour operation, told Russia's commercial NTV television that Yeltsin is recovering ahead of schedule. He said Yeltsin got out of bed yesterday and walked around his room.