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Czech Republic: Pharmaceutical Firm To Invest In Georgia

Prague, 4 December 1996 (RFE/RL) - The largest pharmaceutical company in the Czech Republic intends to invest more than $30 million in a manufacturing plant in Georgia over the next five years.

Leciva Praha says the research and production plant will be a joint project with companies in Georgia.

Leciva spokeswoman, Marketa Soukupova, told RFE/RL details of the project are still being worked out, but the company expects construction on the new plant to begin next year. She said Leciva was told by Georgia's President Eduard Sheverdnadze the company has his support in the venture.

Soukupova says the new plant will allow Leciva to expand its markets not only in Georgia, but in the whole Caucasus region.

She says Leciva also has plans to expand in Russia, but that involves opening a new distribution network. Soukupova said that will be done over a period of the next few years as well.