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Croatia: Interior Minister Removed From Post

Zagreb, 12 December 1996 (RFE/RL) - Officials in Croatia say Interior Minister Ivan Jarnjak has been removed from his post.

The state news agency HINA today quoted the secretary of the ruling Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ), Ivan Valent, as saying "Jarnjak was transferred to another duty that would help him devote more time to HDZ party activities." A Tudjman spokesman confirmed that Jarnjak had been removed as Interior Minister.

Independent Croatian media, including Radio 101 in Zagreb, reported earlier in the week that Jarnjak had been fired. Observers say he likely fell into disfavor with President Franjo Tudjman when he failed to stop large street demonstrations in Zagreb last month. The protests were called after authorities said they would remove Radio 101's license. Authorities later backed down.

The demonstrations took place while Tudjman was in the United States receiving medical treatment.