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Yugoslavia: Milosevic's Wife Speaks Out Against Opposition Leaders

Belgrade, 20 December 1996 (RFE/RL) - The powerful wife of Serbia's President Slobodan Milosevic today accused opposition leaders staging nationwide protests of inviting civil war and foreign intervention in Serbia.

Mirjana Markovic, leader of the Communists, said in an article published in the Duga biweekly that the only policy of the Zajedno coalition is "the concept of civil war."

Markovic's remarks come as Belgrade waits today for the arrival of a delegation from the Organization For Security And Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). The delegation is expected to investigate allegations of electoral fraud by President Slobodan Milosevic's ruling Socialist Party.

The OSCE delegation is being led by former Spanish Prime Minister Felipe Gonzalez. He is expected to meet with both Milosevic and leaders of the opposition Zajedno (Together) coalition. Milosevic last week invited the OSCE to examine the election results in a bid to resolve the ongoing crisis.

Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia/Montenegro) officials have said they will would consider rescheduling the annulled elections, but only if Gonzales' team came up with new facts.