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Russia: Lebed To Give Speech Today In New York

Washington, 21 January 1997 (RFE/RL) - Alexander Lebed, Russia's former national security secretary, is expected to give a speech to the United Nations Correspondents' Association later this afternoon in New York City.

Lebed, accompanied by his wife, was in Washington yesterday for the inauguration festivities of U.S. President Bill Clinton on the invitation of Senator William Roth (R-Delaware).

Roth, chairman of the North Atlantic Assembly, NATO's parliamentary forum, met with Lebed yesterday morning before the inauguration ceremony to discuss NATO expansion.

In a statement released by the senator's office, Roth said of the discussion: "I was pleased at General Lebed's flexibility on NATO enlargement and look forward to continuing discussions with him on the subject."

According to Roth's press secretary, Lebed and Roth had never met before yesterday.

Lebed is expected to make a short stop in Wilmington, Delaware before traveling on to New York.