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Serbia: OSCE Calls On Government To Accept Election Results

Vienna, 29 January 1997 (RFE/RL) - The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) has again called on the Belgrade government to accept opposition victories in last year's elections and the recommendations of an international commission.

The OSCE issued a statement in Vienna last night after a meeting between its Secretary General, Giancarlo Aragona, and the leader of Serbia's opposition Democratic Party, Zoran Djindic.

The statement said the current situation in Belgrade is causing "great concern," and called for "constructive dialogue" between the Government and opposition. It said such a dialogue was "essential."

The statement, issued by Denmark as the current chairman of the OSCE, noted that the Belgrade government had neither accepted the results of the November 17 elections, nor the recommendations of an international commission, led by Spain's former prime Minister Felipe Gonzales, which visited Belgrade last month.

A report issued by Gonzales concluded that the opposition had won the poll in 14 cities. He said the Yugoslav authorities and all political forces should accept these results and abide by them.