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Bosnia: Serbs Raze Moslem Refugees' Houses

Sarajevo; 3 March 1997 (RFE/RL) - The NATO-led Stabilization Force (SFOR) says Bosnian Serbs have burned to the ground newly-erected pre-fabricated houses intended for use by Muslims returning to the northeastern town of Ggajevi.

SFOR said today that 9 of 11 houses were set alight yesterday. It said that Russian SFOR troops stationed in the town were unable to halt about 150 Serbs armed with clubs and sticks from setting the houses alight. FOR did not say how large the Russian force was.

The refugees had not yet arrived in the town.

SFOR criticized the Bosnian-Serb police who are responsible for ensuring that all aspects of the Dayton peace agreement are carried out. Among these agreements is one allowing refugees driven from their homes during the civil war to return.

Ggajevi, which is in the border zone between the Bosnian Serb entity and the Muslim-Croat Federation, has been the scene of several outbreaks of violence over the past few months.