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Russia: Yeltsin Meets Chernomyrdin, Chubais On Reshuffle

Moscow, 17 March 1997 (RFE/RL) -- Russian news agencies report that Russian President Boris Yeltsin is holding today a meeting with top government officials on the reorganization of the Russian government.

Interfax news agency reports that Yeltsin, opening the meeting with Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin and first deputy prime Minister Anatoly Chubais, told them he had invited Nizhny Novgorod governor Boris Nemtsov to join the cabinet.

Yeltsin said Nemtsov had agreed. He added Nemtsov has asked "to remain in constant contact" with the president and had expressed the hope he would remain in his new post "for at least two years."

Yeltsin said earlier he has offered Nemtsov to be in charge of the social sphere, natural monopolies and relations with regional authorities.