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Czech: World Champion Beer Drinkers Are Czechs

Cologne, 10 June 1997 (RFE/RL) - A study by the Association of German Brewers says Czechs are the world champions in beer consumption, drinking 160 liters per capita last year.

The data, released in Cologne, Germany, today during a conference of German brewers, shows Germany taking a distant second place, with 132 liters per capita, down by four liters from the previous year due to an unusually cold, wet summer. Denmark took third place with 121 liters per capita.

Germany traditionally took first place in beer consumption until the breakup of the Czechoslovak federation four and a half years ago tipped the scales.

With the statistical absence of Slovakia, where wine has traditionally had preference over beer, the Czech Republic surged ahead.

Beer consumption in Germany also has regional differences and past comparisons between Germany's largest state Bavaria and Bohemia in the Czech Republic, have shown beer consumption virtually even.