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Russia: Kulikov Says Crackdown On Tax Evasion Succeeding

Moscow, 19 June 1997 (RFE/RL) -- Russian Interior Minister Anatoly Kulikov said in Moscow today that the government's crackdown on tax evasion is producing significant results.

Kulikov told a news conference that since President Boris Yeltsin launched the operation last spring, officials have identified 600,000 enterprises suspected of underpaying their taxes.

Of those, 350,000 have been audited by tax officials, yielding one trillion rubles ($ 174 million) in additional revenue for Russia's federal budget.

In related news, Kulikov named former St. Petersburg mayor Anatoly Sobchak as one of the figures in a criminal case currently being investigated by the Interior Ministry and Russia's Prosecutor General. Sobchak was a leading reformist during the perestroika era and a former close ally of Yeltsin. Kulikov provided no other details.