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Bosnia: Serb Government Rejects Dissolution Of Parliament

Pale, 4 July 1997 (RFE/RL) -- The Bosnian Serb government rejected yesterday's decree by the entity's president Biljana Plavsic disbanding its hardline Parliament.

The Bosnian Serb news agency SRNA quotes Bosnian Serb prime minister Gojko Klickovic as saying there is absolutely no need to dissolve the parliament or any other institutions.

Hardline parlementarians loyal to former Bosnian Serb President Radovan Karadzic are preparing a vote today on removing Plavsic from office. The relatively moderate Plavsic has accused Karadzic and his loyalists of profiteering.

Earlier yesterday, Plavsic order the parliament disbanded because "the functioning of legal order was in serious crisis in almost all fields." She called for new elections September 1. She also accused Bosnian Serb police loyal to Karadzic of "organizing criminal activities."

NATO denied a report broadcast by hardline Bosnian Serb media yesterday that NATO troops have been ordered to arrest Karadzic, an indicted war crimes suspect. NATO spokesman Chris Riley said in Sarajevo that the report is "rubbish." NATO's mandate calls for arresting Karadzic only if NATO troops encounter him in the course of their peacekeeping duties.

The five-nation Contact Group on the former Yugoslavia yesterday expressed serious concern about the political crisis in the Bosnian Serb entity.