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Bosnia: U.S. Watching TV Tower Situation

Washington, 4 September 1997 (RFE/RL) - The U.S. State Department said yesterday that it is keeping a close watch on the situation at the Udrigovo television tower in northeast Bosnia.

Spokesman James Foley said the U.S. and its allies will be watching every day and will take action if hardline Bosnian Serbs fail to keep their promises.

NATO troops have remained nearby after returning the television transmitter to the control of Bosnian Serbs who agreed to tone down inflammatory rhetoric and allow daily broadcasts by the rival Bosnian Serb camp of Republika Srpska President Biljana Plavsic.

In Washington earlier yesterday, U.S. General Wesley Clark, NATO commander in Europe, told reporters he is concerned about an increasing pattern of mob violence against NATO peacekeepers in Bosnia.

Clark said the U.S. and NATO will not be deterred by mob violence and will use whatever means necessary, including lethal force, to keep the peace and maintain implementation of the Dayton Peace Accords in Bosnia.

At the State Department, Foley said the U.S. is currently having discussions with Russia and other countries involved in Bosnia peace and reconstruction operations about planned municipal elections in Bosnia later this month. He said the vote is expected to take place as scheduled on September 13 and 14.

Foley said U.S. special envoy Robert Gelbard was on his way to London for talks tomorrow with British Foreign Minister Robin Cook. Gelbard will continue on to Brussels to discuss with NATO Secretary General Xavier Solana NATO's role in the elections.