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Georgia: Ten Reported Killed In Violence In Abkhazia

Moscow, 20 May 1998 (RFE/RL) - A Russian Foreign Ministry official today expressed concern over reports of renewed violence in the Ghali district of Georgia's breakaway republic of Abkhazia. Abkhazian sources report that up to 10 people were killed in clashes between Abkhazian militiamen and Georgian guerilla groups today.

Lev Mironov says he is flying to Georgia tomorrow to take part in an emergency meeting of the UN-sponsored Coordinating Council to resolve the current outbreak of violence.

The violence comes amid yesterday's reported deaths of up to 19 Abkhazian militiamen in a Georgian guerilla raid on an Abkhazian military post.

Abkhazia declared independence form Georgia in 1992 and drove Georgian troops out of the region in a thirteen-month civil war. Peace talks to solve the Abkhazian conflict have stalled over issues of Georgian control and the return of 300,000 displaced ethnic Georgians.