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Libya: Libya's Leader Denies Involvement In Lockerbie Case

Camp Zeist, Netherlands; 3 May 2000 (RFE/RL) - Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi today said a suggestion that the suspects in the Lockerbie bombing trial acted under his direct orders is "absurd." Gaddafi told Sky Television in an interview that the question of his involvement in the case should, in his word, "have never been even asked."

At the trial itself, lawyers for two Libyan defendants -- Abdel Basset al-Megrahi and Al-Amin Khalifa Fahima -- said the real culprits for the bombing, which killed all 259 people aboard the aircraft and eleven people on the ground, were the Syrian-backed Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command (PFLP-GC) and the Palestinian Popular Struggle Front (PPSF).

But Samir Gosheh, founder of the PPSF and currently a member of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization, today denied any link to the Lockerbie bombing.