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Poland: Coalition Collapses, Minority Government Formed

Warsaw, 6 June 2000 (RFE/RL) - The center-right government coalition in Poland collapsed today and a right-wing group of parties led by the Solidarity labor union decided to form a minority government. Solidarity leader Marian Krzaklewski said in Warsaw that Prime Minister Jerzy Buzek will continue in his post. Krzaklewski said Buzek will propose new members of the minority government within the next few days.

Earlier, the liberal Freedom Union party, led by Deputy Prime Minister Leszek Balcerowicz, abandoned talks on saving the coalition and said it is pulling its five senior and several junior ministers from the government. The minority government is faced now with the difficult task of pushing legislation through parliament. It is now certain that Poland will hold early elections, either in the fall or next year in the early spring.