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Yugoslavia: Kostunica To Attend EU Summit In France

Belgrade, 12 October 2000 (RFE/RL) - The office of Yugoslav President Vojislav Kostunica says he will attend an informal EU summit in the French coastal resort of Biarritz on Saturday. It will be Kostunica's first trip abroad since taking office last Saturday and since the EU, two days later, voted to lift most of its sanctions against Yugoslavia. Despite today's announcement, Yugoslavia's new leadership continues to struggle against attempts by allies of ousted President Slobodan Milosevic to seize back control over influential organs of power.

The Serbian government, still controlled by Milosevic allies, yesterday said it was re-taking control of the police and would not recognize measures taken by Kostunica and his supporters.

Kostunica's backers have warned against attempts by Milosevic's allies to take back power, saying the public will not tolerate it.

In an interview in today's issue of the Italian daily La Stampa, Kostunica reiterated that he has no intention of handing Milosevic over to the international war crimes tribunal at The Hague.