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Yugoslavia: Stability Pact Boosts Aid

Belgrade, 14 November 2000 (RFE/RL) - A two-day meeting of the Stability Pact for the Balkans ends today in Belgrade. The meeting is the first international conference in the Yugoslav capital following the ouster of Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic last month. Yesterday, Interior Minister Zoran Zivkovic said Serbia needs approximately $200 million for heating fuel and electricity in the coming winter. Pact coordinator Bodo Hombach said a final decision to allocate the aid will be taken at a conference scheduled next month.

That meeting will include pact representatives, members of the European Commission, and the World Bank. The meeting ending today is aimed at boosting political cooperation with Yugoslavia and providing help to local councils across the country in the coming winter.

The United Nations said it will need around $180 million over the next year for humanitarian programs in Yugoslavia.

The Stability Pact was set up after the Kosovo war last year. It focuses on building and restoring infrastructure in the Balkans. Yugoslavia joined the pact last month.