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Poland: Prime Minister Visits Russia

Moscow, 19 December 2001 (RFE/RL) -- Poland's new Prime Minister Leszek Miller is due to open an official visit to Russia today. Miller and Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov are expected to hold talks on the spectrum of Russian-Polish relations, with a special emphasis on the development of economic ties.

Miller, who took office in October, is also expected to meet with President Vladimir Putin. The Polish prime minister's visit comes in advance of Putin's scheduled visit to Poland in January.

Miller's foreign policy adviser Tadeusz Iwinski told reporters that Poland is hoping to boost economic activity with Russia, in part to reduce a trade deficit with Russia of more than $3 billion per year.

Polish imports from Russia value about $4 billion per year, primarily in gas and oil. Polish exports to Russia are about $800 million, mainly food.

The two sides are also expected to raise the future of Kaliningrad, the Russian exclave that borders northeastern Poland.