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Poland: Kwasniewski Seeks Apology From Putin

Warsaw, 16 January 2002 (RFE/RL) -- Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived in Warsaw late last night on a two-day visit to Poland, highlighted by talks with President Alexander Kwasniewski, who has said he wants Russia to apologize for a 1940 massacre. The Polish leader said in an interview released yesterday that he wants Russia to apologize for the killing of Polish army officers by Soviet troops during World War II. In 1940, more than 4,000 Polish officers were shot by Soviet secret police and dumped into mass graves in Katyn, Russia.

But Kwasniewski told the Interfax news agency he will not link an apology over the Katyn massacre to Russian-Polish relations.

In 1990, Russia admitted responsibility for Katyn and handed over documents to Warsaw. Putin has promised Russia's help in investigating the Katyn massacre.