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Iraq: Baghdad Says It Is Studying UN Resolution

Baghdad, 9 November 2002 (RFE/RL) - Iraq says it is studying a new UN resolution that demands an intrusive hunt for its alleged arms of mass destruction and will issue a decision in the coming few days. The official Iraqi News Agency (INA) said today, that Security Council Resolution 1441 "is bad and unjust." But it says Iraq's leadership is studying it calmly and will take the necessary decision in the next few days.

The 15-member U.N. Security Council unanimously approved the resolution yesterday, giving Iraq a last chance to give up any biological, chemical, or nuclear weapons or face severe consequences.

The Baghdad daily "Babel," owned by President Saddam Hussein's son Uday, says Iraq has nothing to conceal and UN weapons inspectors are welcome, adding that Saddam will not give the U.S. an excuse to attack.

Meanwhile, U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell told Al-Jazeera TV that full Iraqi cooperation with the UN resolution would indicate changed thinking in Baghdad and therefore a "changed regime."