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Iraq: Islamic Summit 'Totally Rejects' Attack

Doha, 5 March 5 (RFE/RL) -- Leaders of Islamic nations have declared their "total rejection" of any U.S.-led attack on Iraq in a statement today in Doha, Qatar, at the end of a summit of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC). The statement called on Islamic states to "refrain from taking part in any military action targeting the security and territorial integrity of Iraq or any Muslim nation."

The 57-member OIC welcomed Baghdad's cooperation with UN arms inspectors in Iraq and supported calls for the inspectors to be allowed to continue their work. The statement said the Iraq crisis should be resolved by peaceful means within the "context of the United Nations."

The OIC is the world's largest Islamic grouping. But only around one-quarter of its members sent heads of state to the summit, with some members saying they do not believe the gathering was worth holding.