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Iraq: Kurdish Lawyer Elected Mayor Of Kirkuk

Kirkuk, Iraq; 28 May 2003 (RFE/RL) -- The new council of the northern Iraqi city of Kirkuk today elected a Kurdish lawyer as mayor. The council elected Abdul Rahman Mustafa as mayor, who won the post over Nayef al-Jaburi, an Arab, and Turkoman Mustafa Echechli. U.S. General Raymond Odierno supervised the election.

Kirkuk Arabs have criticized the makeup of the city council because they are represented by six seats compared to the 11 seats they say were given to the Kurds.

Each of Kirkuk's four communities -- Arabs, Assyrians, Kurds, and Turkomans -- has been given six seats on the council. U.S. forces controlling the city in addition appointed six "independents" to the council -- five Kurds and an Assyrian.