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Russia: Moscow Mourns Victims Of Suicide Bombing

Moscow, 8 July 2003 (RFE/RL) -- Moscow is observing a day of mourning today for the 13 victims of two suicide bombings at a rock concert on 5 July. Mourners left flowers and messages of condolences at the Tushino airfield in Moscow, the concert venue where some 60 people were also injured in the attack authorities blame on Chechen rebels.

Observing the mourning, the city's television stations and theaters have canceled all entertainment programming. Radio statons have been requested to do the same.

In a cabinet meeting yesterday, Russian President Vladimir Putin vowed to root out Chechen separatists, whom he said are linked to international terrorism. Putin added that security must improve to prevent further attacks.

"Inside the country, it is necessary to do everything that is possible to increase preventive work and put barriers on the way of crime, especially in civilian establishments," he said.

Putin's statements came amid reports that a helicopter which crashed in Chechya on 6 July, killing five soldiers, most likely had been shot down.