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Iraq: UN Resolution On Governing Council, Mission May Come To Vote

United Nations, 14 August 2003 (RFE/RL) -- The UN Security Council may vote as early as today on a resolution that "welcomes" the U.S.-appointed Governing Council in Iraq and establishes a new UN mission in the country. The Security Council's five permanent members have agreed on the U.S.-sponsored draft resolution, which was distributed yesterday to the 10 nonpermanent Security Council members.

John Negroponte, the U.S. ambassador to the UN, said he wants a vote today. But Syrian Ambassador Mikhail Wehbe, the current Security Council president, has called for more consultations.

If approved, the resolution is seen as a key move in extending international legitimacy to the Iraqi council and possibly leading to more support for reconstruction efforts currently directed by the U.S.-led coalition.

In Iraq yesterday, two U.S. soldiers were killed and three more wounded in two separate incidents that involved the detonation of homemade explosives as their vehicles passed.