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Russia: FSB Building In Ingushetia Bombed

Moscow, 15 September 2003 (RFE/RL) -- A truck packed with explosives blew up today outside the regional headquarters of Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB) in the southern republic of Ingushetia. The bomb reportedly killed several people but the number of casualties was not immediately clear. ITAR-TASS said at least four people died as a result of the explosion and that some 40 others were injured.

Rescuers were working at the heavily damaged building in the Ingush capital Magas. The FSB headquarters was opened in July when Magas replaced Nazran as capital of the republic.

Ingushetia borders Chechnya, where Russian troops have been fighting separatists for nearly four years. There have been a series of attacks in the region recently which Russian authorities blamed on Chechen separatists.