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Iraq: New Suicide Bomb Attack On UN In Baghdad

Baghdad, 22 September 2003 (RFE/RL) -- The U.S. military says a suicide car bomber blew himself up outside the UN headquarters in Baghdad today, killing an Iraqi security guard and wounding several people. U.S. military spokesman Captain Sean Kirley said a bomb inside the car was detonated when the car was stopped at the entrance to a parking lot.

"The bomb went off in a car killing two individuals: one that was the bomber and it appears there was one Iraqi security personnel [there] at the time. There have been approximately six to eight injuries -- all of those individuals have been evacuated for medical treatment. Coalition and local security forces have secured the area. The bomb went off approximately 250 meters from the UN building," Kirley said.

An attack last month on the UN headquarters killed 22 people including 15 UN staff.

Today's attack came after a weekend of violence in Iraq. The bomb exploded two days after an assassination attempt against Aqilah al-Hashimi, a member of Iraq's U.S.-backed Governing Council. She is in serious but stable condition.

In other attacks, three U.S. soldiers were killed. In a separate attack, two mortar bombs were fired at a prison west of Baghdad, which is guarded and run by the U.S. Army.