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Heard in Iran: Six Workers Arrested on May Day

Six Workers Arrested on May Day

May 2 -- Following the arrests of six protestors on May Day, labor activist Jafar Azimzadeh said: "In Iran, they [the authorities] want workers to be cheap, silent and absolute slaves…. They know that if workers celebrate their day and demonstrate their solidarity, no one can oppress them" [text in Persian].

Women’s Rights Activist Receives Suspended Prison Sentence

May 2 -- Parvin Ardalan, founder of the One Million Signature Campaign, says her two-year suspended sentence and other such measures by the judiciary constitute "legal violence" against the peaceful movement for women’s rights [audio in Persian].

Journalist Describes Media Censorship

May 4 -- During a discussion about media censorship in Iran held on World Press Freedom Day, Paris-based journalist Hossein Bastani said the Iranian government issues orders to the press on what to report: "One recent example was a list issued by Iran's Supreme National Security Council of about 50 issues, ranging from Iran’s nuclear case to what is happening in Yemen," he said [text in Persian].

Students End Strike

May 3 -- A student strike at Sahand University in Tabriz (northwestern Iran) protesting the "attempted abuse" of a female student by a member of the university staff has ended. Following the strike, one student, who does not want to be identified, said: "Because the hunger strike achieved extensive coverage in the national and foreign media, it could pressure the university authorities to surrender to students’ demands" [text in Persian].

Radio Farda Launches New Business Show

May 1 -- A new program called Economy Magazine went on the air at the beginning of May. The show is dedicated to reviewing key economic issues in Iran and the world [audio in Persian].