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Tatar-Bashkir Report: June 20, 2001

20 June 2001
Moscow to Buy Aircraft from Tatarstan
Sergei Mukhin, the republic's deputy economics and industry minister, said on 19 June that Moscow will purchase four Tu-214 aircraft and two helicopters for senior officials.

Inflation Remains Low in Tatarstan
Tatarstan and the Komi-Permyak autonomous district are the regions with lowest inflation rates in the Volga federal district, Nizhegorodskiye Novosti agency reported on 19 June.

Tatneft Takes Control Of Rubber Factory in Tula
The Tatneft Oil Company has purchased a controlling interest in the Yefremovsky Synthetic Rubber Factory in Tula oblast, Tatarinform reported on 19 June. Tatneft and Tuben Kama Tires Company expect to jointly supply the raw materials to Yefremovsky plant, which unlike the Synthetic Rubber Plant in Kazan, can produce rubber in large amounts.

Prison Doctors Gather For A National Conference In Kazan
Prison doctors from across Russian Federation gathered in Kazan penitentiary number 2 to discuss HIV and tuberculosis among inmates on 19 June, Efir-Inform reported. According to the conference, the spread of infections is powered by the fact that prisoners can easily buy drugs, often use contaminated syringes and are kept in the overpopulated cells.

Muslim Leader Says Religious Life Prospering, but Risk of Extremism Remains
Valiulla khazret Yakup, the deputy chairman of the Kazan Muslim religious border, said on 19 June that over the last ten years, more than 1,000 mosques have been rebuilt or reopened, ten religious schools and three higher religious schools have been set up. At the end of the Soviet period, there were only 16 mosques there. But while there is a struggle against religious extremism, he said, "current laws create conditions for the activities of the extremist trends." At the same time, he said that his board is seeking to revive a form of Sufism in order to restore ties with Daghestani Muslims."

Tatarstan Deputy Heads New Party
Ivan Grachev, who represents Tatarstan in the Duma, has been elected chairman of the Entrepreneuers' Party, reported on 19 June. He said that his party "will concentrate on protecting the interests of small and middle businesses, because large business already has the SPS as a defender, which was designed as an oligarchic machine."

Kiriyenko Advisor Praises Tatarstan's IT Industry
Aleksandr Ketkov, an advisor to Russian presidential envoy in Volga administrative district told on 19 June that "Tatarstan has a rich history of information technologies development and a strong potential which corresponds to high European standards."

Rotation of Tatarstan Militia Officers in Chechnya
Nineteen Tatarstan militia officers are heading to Chechnya to replace their colleagues who have been serving there for two months, Inform-Kuryer reported on 19 June.

Vandalism in Bogelme
Tatarstan media reported on 20 June that unknown persons painted black the white busts of Soviet heroes on display in Bogelme. The action took place on Russian Sovereignty Day on 12 June. Local officials said they did not plan to investigate the event because it does not fall within the provisions of laws against vandalism.

Compiled by Iskender Nurmi

Ufa Begins Preparations For Census
Prime Minister Rafael Baydavletov said on 19 June that "a simplified approach to the future national census in Russia was unacceptable." He said that local administrations should explain the goals of census to the population. Bashkortostan's press ministry issued a decree to involve the media in explaining and holding the October 2002 census.

Trade Unions Unhappy With Back Wages Payment
Representatives of Bashkortostan's trade unions, employers groups, and the government met on 19 June to discuss the current process of paying off the outstanding back wages. Trade Unions Federation deputy chairman Vladimir Apokin said that the wage debt totaling 951 million rubles [$32,8 million] had been reduced by only 6 million rubles [$2,07 million] since the beginning of 2001.

Radiation Exposures To Be Registered...
The Council of Ministers has issued a decree creating a database on the radiation exposure figures of each citizen, reported on 19 June. The federal Center on sanitary and epidemic control will reportedly control the figures and offer measures for improving the situation.

...As Government Prepares To Monitor The Ecology
According to Ufa press on 20 June, the republic budget will allocate over 500 million rubles [$17,2 million] for establishing this system over the next five years.

Bashkortostan Days Held in Khanti-Mansiysk
Days of Bashkortostan Republic began in Surgut, Khanti-Mansiysk autonomous district, on 19 June. Forty-five companies representing all branches of the republic�s industry displayed their wares.

Compiled by Iskender Nurmi