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Heard in Afghanistan: Can Pakistan Stop the Taliban?

Can Pakistan Stop the Taliban?

June 11, 2009 -- In an act of public outrage against the Taliban, 1,600 villagers attacked Taliban positions in an area near Pakistan's Swat Valley. The incident occurred in the aftermath of a suicide attack at a mosque that killed 40 civilians. The Taliban was immediately blamed for the mosque attack, adding to already-high tensions after militants infiltrated the remote valley and began intimidating locals. RFE/RL's Abubakar Siddique examines how Pakistan's anti-extremism campaign depends on the outcome of its operations in the Swat Valley. [Read in English]

Afghans Unhappy with Parliament

June 11 -- Most people interviewed by Radio Azadi agree that the Afghan parliament has achieved little in the past four years. "I think all of its members have been involved in their political games and do not care about changing our lives," said a Kabul resident. According to parliamentarian (and former Radio Azadi correspondent) Ahmad Behzad, "Most MPs have another business in addition to their full-time job as legislators, so they can't even attend parliament sessions sometimes." [Read in Dari].

U.S. in Market for Afghan Products

June 11 -- Newly appointed U.S. Ambassador to Kabul Karl Eikenberry told Radio Azadi that U.S. personnel are buying more goods and services in Afghanistan in order to support the local economy. [Read in English / in Dari]

Afghan Addicts Getting Treatment

June 12 -- Afghan Deputy Health Minister Nader Hayat Burhani told Radio Azadi that a rehabilitation center in Kabul has successfully treated 56 young addicts in the last two months. It is believed that there are currently about 1 million drug addicts in Afghanistan. [Read in English]