Саміт НАТО в Бухаресті: фотогалерея

Парламентський палац в Бухаресті. Тут проходив саміт НАТО - NATO summit

Прапори НАТО перед Парламентським палацом в Бухаресті

Канцлер Німеччини Анґела Меркель та Президент Франції Ніколя Саркозі на саміті 3 - Caption:
epa01303260 Germany's chancellor Angela Merkel (L) is chatting whith French President Nicolas Sarkozy (R) during the opening session of the NATO summit in Bucharest 03 April 2008. NATO heads of state and guest leaders are meeting for a three-day summit of the military alliance from 02 - 04 April 2008 in the Romanian capital.

Генеральний секретар НАТО Яап де Хооп Схеффер на першому дні саміту - ROMANIA, Bucharest : Nato Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer looks up while delivering a speech during the opening of the Multimedia Exhibit and Defence Against Terrorism Display at the Parliament in Bucharest on April 2, 2008 on the first day of the Nato Summit. US President on April 2, 2008 called on NATO allies to send more troops to Afghanistan and make the mission there a top priority. AFP PHOTO / DIMITAR DILKOFF

Канцлер Німеччини Анґела Меркель, Президент Росії Путін та Президент США Джордж Буш на урочистій вечері 3 квітня - Caption:
epa01304173 Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel (front L), Russia's President Vladimir Putin (background, L) and US President George W. Bush (R) attend an official dinner in Bucharest, Romania, 03 April 2008. Putin arrived in Bucharest late 03 April 2008 to take part in the meeting of the NATO- Russia Council on 04 April. EPA/VLADIMIR RODIONOV - POOL

Президент США Джордж Буш, Держсекретар Кондоліза Райс та Міністр оборони США - Caption:
epa01304208 US President George W. Bush (C) together with US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice (L) and US Secretary of Defence Robert M. Gates (R) arrive at Parliament Palace for the NATO Meeting on Ukraine in Bucharest, Romania, 04 April 2008. NATO heads of state and guest leaders are meeting for a three-day summit of the military alliance from April 2-4 in the Romanian capital. EPA/ROBERT GHEMENT

Президент України Віктор Ющенко прибув на засідання комісії Україна НАТО - ROMANIA, Bucharest : Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko arrives at the Parliament in Bucharest on April 3, 2008 on the second day of the Nato Summit. NATO's European members

Президент Грузії Міхеїл Саакашвілі жартує з Президентом Бушем - ROMANIA, Bucharest : Georgia's President Mikhail Saakashvili (L) shares a laugh with US President George W. Bush during the NATO Summit meeting on Afghanistan at the Palace of Parliament in Bucharest on April 3, 2008. NATO's refusal to put Ukraine and Georgia on a definite track for membership despite pleas from US President George W. Bush is a major victory for Russia which had opposed the move, experts said Thursday. AFP PHOTO ERIC FEFERBERG

Президент США Джордж Буш та Президент України Віктор Ющенко - ROMANIA, Bucharest : US President George Bush (R) talks with his Ukrainian counterpart Victor Yuschenko (L) prior to the start of the NATO Summit meeting on Afghanistan at the Parliament in Bucharest on April 3, 2008. NATO leaders turned to the conflict in Afghanistan on the second day of the summit as France responded to an appeal for more troops to counter a stubborn Taliban insurgency.
AFP PHOTO / HO / NIDS/NATO Media Library

Президент Росії Володимир Путін прибув на саміт НАТО - epa01304263 Russian President Vladimir Putin arrives at the Parliament Palace in Bucharest, Romania, 04 April 2008, to attend the NATO - Ukraine commision summit. NATO heads of state and guest leaders are meeting for a three-day summit of the military alliance from 02 - 04 April 2008 in the Romanian capital. EPA/YURI KOCHETKOV