The Week Ahead is a detailed listing of key events of the coming week affecting RFE/RL's broadcast region.
MONDAY, January 11:
United Nations: UN launches its International Year of Biodiversity.
Official Site: UN Environment Program (UNEP)
Background: "2010 Is International Year Of Biodiversity" ("The Independent")
TUESDAY, January 12:
Armenia: Constitutional Court considers Armenian-Turkish Protocols (PanARMENIAN.Net).
Background: "Pitfalls Remain As Turkey, Armenia Move Toward Reconciliation" (RFE/RL)
Balkans: The war crimes trial of Vojislav Seselj resumes in The Hague (Reuters).
Official Site: International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia
Broadcast Region: Freedom House releases its "Freedom In The World 2010" report.
Moldova: Negotiations begin on an EU-Moldova Association Agreement in Chisinau.
Official Site: Delegation of the European Union to Moldova
Background: "EU's Eastern Partnership Stuck In Low Gear" (RFE/RL)
Turkey/Russia: Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan visits Moscow (Trend).
WEDNESDAY, January 13:
Armenia: Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov begins a two-day visit to Yerevan to discuss the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh (Interfax).
Background: "Russia Foresees Breakthrough On Nagorno-Karabakh" (RFE/RL)
Broadcast Region: UN Assistance Mission for Afghanistan (UNAMA) publishes the report "On Protection Of Civilians In Armed Conflict."
THURSDAY, January 14:
Broadcast Region: The World Economic Forum publishes its "Global Risks Report 2010."
Broadcast Region: Asian Development Bank (ADB) releases a new study with a chapter on Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Georgia: Georgia hosts regional energy conference including Azerbaijan, Poland, the Baltic states, Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkmenistan, and Kazakhstan (
OSCE: Permanent Council session opens (OSCE 2010 Chairmanship is held by Kazakhstan).
Official Site: OSCE Permanent Council
Background: "Former OSCE Chair Says Time Ripe For 'Serious Look' At Reform" (RFE/RL)
Russia: European Court of Human Rights holds hearings on Yukos.
Official Site: European Court of Human Rights
Background: "Yukos Comes Back To Bite Putin" ("The Guardian")
FRIDAY, January 15:
Broadcast Region: World Bank releases the report "Connecting To Compete 2010: Trade Logistics In The Global Economy."
SUNDAY, January 17:
Ukraine: Presidential election
Official Site: Central Election Commission of Ukraine
Report: ODIHR preliminary report
Background: Factbox (Reuters)
Interview: Exclusive interview with President Viktor Yushchenko (RFE/RL)
Background: "The Difficulty Of Being Ukraine" ("The New York Times")