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Blogger "Ghalam Faranse" (French Pen) says he's looking forward to seeing how his classmates and other students might have changed their appearances in the new academic year. (Editor's note: Cosmetic surgery -- particularly nose jobs -- are hugely popular in Iran.)

One of my harmless recreations at the beginning of each university term -- especially the first term of the academic year -- is looking for changes among my friends and fellow students; their new hairstyles or clothing, and of course their new looks!

There is no record of a term beginning and no acquaintance showing up without a nose job. But last term, our own "Miss Pretty Nose," as she was known before, surprised us all; and if weren't for attendance being taken, we would never have known the pretty lady at the back of the classroom was our own Miss Pretty Nose.

After her successful cosmetic surgery, we all agreed that if there was any meaning to such surgeries in Iran, it has clearly been shown on our ex-Miss Pretty Nose. God knows how frequently the flirting and love stories occurred after the "face-off" of our ex-Miss Pretty Nose, inciting as many boys at the campus to pass the thread as possible.

Why lie? Even I wouldn't have minded getting on a Pegasus in my dreams, leaving all other rivals behind, and having the pretty nose lady sitting behind me.

I haven't yet attended the new term. But I have prepared myself for encounters with new faces. For instance, it's not unreasonable to think that "Naveed" will have undergone liposuction, or "Ms. Hercules" would have turned into a thin, blonde Barbie doll... Considering the things I saw, our Haj "M" with all his beard setup, may actually have decided to change his sex and be called "Parmida"...

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Persian Letters is a blog that offers a window into Iranian politics and society. Written primarily by Golnaz Esfandiari, Persian Letters brings you under-reported stories, insight and analysis, as well as guest Iranian bloggers -- from clerics, anarchists, feminists, Basij members, to bus drivers.


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