Suspect in Neda's Murder "from America"
November 24 -- A top Basij Commander recently said that the murderer of Neda Agha Soltan -- who became the symbol of Iran's Green Movement -- was "someone from America." Neda's father tells Radio Farda that authorities have not announced the name of her murderer yet, but witnesses have named him as Javid Kargar.
[read in Farsi / more in English]
Listeners React to Enrichment Plant Announcement
November 29 -- Following Iran's announcement of plans to build ten new enrichment facilities, a Radio Farda listener writes: "Iranians do not have to pay so much for nuclear energy while the country has oil and gas. We only want peace and welfare, but the authorities do not care about the people, they are not our representatives." Another listener says: "Such measures will only lead to war. If Iran had an independent judiciary, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his administration would have been tried for acting against national security."
Karroubi Harassed by Militia
November 25 -- At 1am., dozens of militia members gathered in front of opposition leader Mehdi Karroubi's house in Qom, chanting slogans such as "Death to the Anti-Supreme Leader," and "Death to the Hypocrite." In an exclusive interview with Radio Farda, Karroubi's son, Hossein, says, "It's so strange that a militia, which during Khomeini's period was respected by the people, now only serves to suppress the people." [read in Farsi]
Karroubi: Brutality Worse Now Than in Time of Shah
November 26 -- Radio Farda reported on opposition leader Mehdi Karroubi's interview with a Dutch TV station, in which Karroubi spoke candidly about the recent opposition struggles in Iran. "We are under so much pressure and can do nothing," Karroubi said. "Our newspaper has been closed, and so has our party." He added that he found recent police violence shocking: "I saw how police forces hit women very hard -- I wasn't able to believe it. I was in so many protests and saw much violence during the Shah's time, but I have never seen someone hit women and children that easily." In the end of the interview, Karroubi promised that protestors will continue to agitate for their rights.
Unprecedented Sentence for Jailed Journalist
November 24 -- Noted journalist Ahmad Zeidabadi, arrested after Iran's disputed presidential elections, has been sentenced to five years in jail and exile, his lawyer tells Radio Farda. Zeidabadi has also been banned for life from engaging in any political or social activities, giving interviews or lectures, and commenting on events orally or in writing.