Arrests Of Protestors Deemed Illegal
Another phase of mass arrests has started in Iran. According to reports, more than 10 activists have been arrested in the past few days. On the issue of these arrests, Radio Farda interviewed Saeed Ghasemi-Nejad, a student activist in Paris and Mohammad Olyai-Fard, a lawyer in Iran.
In Ghasemi-Nejad’s opinion, now that all the well-known political activists are already in jail, the government is attempting to arrest some lesser-known activists.
"The Islamic Republic, after all these arrests, is not still able to find the main core which organizes the gatherings, and therefore, tries to arrest everyone," he said.
He believes that the movement does not have a core and has a horizontal structure; therefore arresting the activists will repress the movement.
Mohammad Olyai-Fard also told Radio Farda that these arrests are illegal and based on the constitution that says a person who has committed a "none-visible crime” should first receive a written subpoena.
He says in these sudden arrests, finding the client is too difficult.
"Sometimes it takes weeks for us [lawyers] to find out where the culprit has been arrested, where he has been taken, where he is being kept and his condition," he said.
Based on the constitution, this information has to be given out in 24 hours.
[read in Farsi]
Statement By Reformist Groups: 'Attend Feb. 11 Rally With Green Symbol'
The Coordination Council of the Reformist Front, in its last statement on Wednesday, asked the protestors of the presidential election results to carry a green symbol on the February 11 rally. The statement has been signed by seventeen main reformist parties.
The statement mentioned that “We will come to show that the green movement with its capability, political awareness and social decency and away from any kind of violence is consistent with national and religious values and principles. It asks for its definite constitutional rights.”
The statement emphasized that protestors are not “irreligious” and calling the movement a velvet revolutions is a “lie.”
The statement also supported opposition leaders when it said, "The green movement, as revolution masters such as Khatami, Karroubi and Mousavi have said, is pro- independence and doesn’t need foreign support and intervention. With relying on the nation’s God-given power, it will attempt to revive and keep the values, law enforcement, national freedom, deliberate religion, and survive the society.”
[Read in Farsi]