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Heard in Iran: Security Forces Crack Down

Security Forces Target Protesters, Arrest Hundreds

June 24 – As hundreds of people assembled peacefully in front of the Iranian Parliament, helicopters hovered overhead and security forces on motorcycles rushed the crowd with batons drawn, a protester told Radio Farda. [listen in Farsi]

June 23 -- A Tehran-based colleague of human rights attorney Abdolfatah Soltani told Radio Farda that Soltani has been arrested.

June 20 -- An eyewitness on Enghelab (Revolution) Avenue told Radio Farda, “Tehran looks like a war zone...Police beat up protesters, and the protesters run away. Yet they return and police beat them again.” [read in Farsi]

June 20 -- The wife of prominent journalist Ahmad Zeidabadi said four agents attempted to break into her house after her husband was arrested. “They say people must have permission for rallies, yet they arrest people at their homes with no proof or charges and try to enter people’s homes in the middle of the night.” [listen in Farsi]

June 19 -- A guest told Radio Farda that plainclothes police arrested activists and journalists without warrants. He said their whereabouts are unknown and no one is accountable, which is “typical of countries during a coup." [read in Farsi]

June 18 -- Before her arrest on June 20, journalist Zhila Baniyaghoub told Radio Farda that despite government blocks on communications, “people themselves have become media by informing each other of the news on the streets." [listen in Farsi]

June 18 – A teacher in Esfahan told Radio Farda that the Basij militia broke into the home of a person who came to the rescue of a fellow teacher who was shot in the demonstrations: “They beat him for helping the wounded.” [listen in Farsi]

Ebadi Criticizes Government Crackdown

June 24 -- Iranian Nobel Peace Prize winner Shirin Ebadi told Radio Farda that no government has the right to treat its people however it wants and claim that other countries have no right to object: “Human rights violations in Iran right now are relevant to all people of the world.” [listen in Farsi]

Nighttime Rallies on Rooftops

June 18 – Each night around ten o'clock, citizens of Tehran gather on their rooftops to chant slogans such as “God is great” and “Death to the dictator,” a witness told Radio Farda. “From where I stand, I can see two elderly ladies chanting these slogans at their windows.” [listen in Farsi]

Milani on Iran's "Democratic Right" to Vote

June 19 -- Stanford University professor Abbas Milani told Radio Farda that an unprecedented number of people from all walks of life participated in this election. “A significant part of the leadership feels endangered and has come to know that recognizing this democratic right of people is inevitable,” he said. [read in Farsi]

A photo gallery and video from the post-election protests are available on Radio Farda’s Web site: