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O, Iran!

Iran -- Supporters ofPresident Mahmud Ahmadinejad hold posters depicting him on the street in Tehran, 28May2009
Iran -- Supporters ofPresident Mahmud Ahmadinejad hold posters depicting him on the street in Tehran, 28May2009
Farhangvairan questions the appropriation by the Ahmadinejad campaign of an Iranian national anthem:

The "Ey Iran" ["Oh, Iran," a nationalistic and patriotic anthem that is often used in opposition to Iran's Islamic establishment] -- is a national and memorable work left by the late master Roohollah Khaleghi. Thanks to the serious voice of Master Gholam Hossein Banan, the anthem glitters with glory.

Unfortunately, these days this national signature of ours is being meddled with and is used for political advertising in the hands of those who do not realize the real price and value of this epic work. The song is now serving as flattery and adulation of Mahmud Ahmadinejad, rather than being the eternal national opus that it used to be. [Editor's note: The song has been used by Ahmadinejad supporters, who have changed the lyrics and used it as part of his election campaign.]

The Iranian cultural and musical authorities, as expected, not only didn't display any reaction but maybe secretly played a role in this robbery of a national signature.

Today it is not only each and every single patriotic Iranian's duty, but it is the duty especially of the respected families of the creators of this national opus, to react against this action and launch a legal complaint.

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Persian Letters is a blog that offers a window into Iranian politics and society. Written primarily by Golnaz Esfandiari, Persian Letters brings you under-reported stories, insight and analysis, as well as guest Iranian bloggers -- from clerics, anarchists, feminists, Basij members, to bus drivers.


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