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Side Lines -- Mirsad Tokaca

Side Lines: Mirsad Tokaca
What living person do you most admire? Nelson Mandela.

Who has had the biggest influence on your life? My mother.

When will you know you've succeeded?
I don’t think I’ve succeeded in anything. I don’t even think about it. I just want to do things I find important to me and for my surroundings. Is it successful? Others will judge. I’m too critical of myself to judge something I did as successful.

What is your worst vice or extravagance?
Red wine.

What is your biggest fear? After surviving the siege of Sarajevo, I do not have any sense of fear. I won't say I'm fearless. My fear, in fact, is a slight thrill that is a consequence of responsibility for the thing I do and the reaction it's going to provoke.

What is your idea of perfect happiness?
There's no such thing as perfect happiness, but when I say I'm happy, by that I mean I've accomplished some goals and wishes I put in front of me. I'm independent, I enjoy life, and find happiness in ordinary things. I'm not afraid of failure. I do not think much of my enemies. Maybe the idea of happiness is to participate in doing good things -- to be ready to give and to receive.

What was the best day of your life?
I could never choose a single day as the most important or happiest in my life. I have lots of them.

What would people be surprised to know about you? Some are surprised to hear me singing. But there are lots of surprises about me. But if I reveal them now, people won't be surprised. Let them discover.

What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
My wish, which didn't come true, was to be a pilot. I'm old enough to try that now.

What do you wish you were better at? I wish I was in a position to learn at least two more languages. (I like French and Italian.) But maybe it's not too late to do that, because I learned English during the war.

What is your greatest regret?
The suffering of Bosnian citizens during the war.